Thank you for sharing. This reconfirms my non attendance... It is really becoming more and more CULT like.
Designer Stubble
JoinedPosts by Designer Stubble
JWs District Convention 2010 Drawn Closer to Jehovah. My reflections
by onemore inseptember will mark my first year out of the watch towers darkness (pun intended).
i embarked on my full blown search for truth about the truth in april 2009, and by september of that same year i was convinced the organization was no different than any other religion; but i was wrong again.
because if there were like any other christian denomination, such as the baptists, methodists, presbyterians, lutherans, would have been a lot easier to endure sitting in their meetings, listening to their rhetoric, and engaging in some of their activities.
Did You Experience THIS When You Were Awakening From Mind Control?
by mentallyfree31 inback in december, when i awakened from the wt mind control - i would wake up for several weeks in the middle of the night thinking "what are you doing?
you know the witnesses have the truth".
every day or so these thoughts would return.
Designer Stubble
This is called PCTS (Post Cult Trauma):
See the description below and identify...
The period of exiting from a cult is usually a traumatic experience and, like any great change in a person's life, involves passing through stages of accommodation to the change:
Disbelief/denial: "This can't be happening. It couldn't have been that bad."
Anger/hostility: "How could they/I be so wrong?" (hate feelings)
Self-pity/depression: "Why me? I can't do this."
Fear/bargaining: "I don't know if I can live without my group. Maybe I can still associate with it on a limited basis, if I do what they want."
Reassessment: "Maybe I was wrong about the group's being so wonderful."
Accommodation/acceptance: "I can move beyond this experience and choose new directions for my life" or...
Reinvolvement: "I think I will rejoin the group." -
DC 2010 Release - The Origin of Life and its many misquotes
by Designer Stubble ini have just started working my way through the new publication the origin of life 5 questions worth asking.
it is completely appalling.
it is at the very most six grade level and just the first references i verified (which most dubs dont do) have been taken out of context, are completely misquoted or in the example of using the encyclopedia britannica a dated version is used rather than the most recent one, to align with what they want to write, rather than aligned with the newest research.. .
Designer Stubble
I have just started working my way through the new publication “The Origin of Life – 5 Questions worth asking”. It is completely appalling. It is at the very most six grade level and just the first references I verified (which most dubs don’t do) have been taken out of context, are completely misquoted or in the example of using the Encyclopedia Britannica – a dated version is used rather than the most recent one, to align with what they want to write, rather than aligned with the newest research.
Here is one example, taken from page 12, which quotes Microbiologist Ruda Popa: “The Complexity of the mechanisms required for the functioning of a living cell is so large that simultaneous emergence by chance seems impossible.” Here is where the quote ends.
However looking up the reference in the book “Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life, page 126-127, the full quote reads:
“The Complexity of the mechanisms required for the functioning of a living cell is so large that simultaneous emergence by chance seems impossible. Most scientists now believe that life originated in a number of smaller and probabilistically likelier steps. Instead of being one big chance like event, life might actually be an accretion of a series of events emerging at different moments in time.”
Sounds rather different to me!
Then scientists are portrayed as not believing that life is created, but that they believe that life arose by chance in a fashion not yet fully understood. Where as the Bible simply states: Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God. (Hebrews 3:4).
The brochure starts out with a completely stupid introduction illustration. It talks about parents hesitating to tell young children where babies come from…then says: “Just as many parents feel awkward…some scientists seem reluctant to discuss an even more fundamental question – Where did life come from?
It is going to be painful and embarrassing to go through this brochure, but I want to get all misquotes and inaccuracies listed properly, so that once it is released over here, I have my information ready at hand to wipe the brochure totally out.
My Memories of Bethel in the Franz Era - part one
by Dogpatch infood was passed from one side and if you were #10 you may not get too much to eat!
when i finally did, she was not at all interested.
but i was lucky it didnt work out, for she never would have left the watchtower.
Designer Stubble
Thanks for sharing...great story...
Can't wait for part 2
America Never Even Joined The League Of Nations!
by BluesBrother inmy knowledge of modern history might be a little thin, gained largely from the books of the wts and the "outworking of prophecy", so humour me if this is common knowledge to everyone else.. the wts has identified the characters in revelation 13 as being 1) the two horned beast = anglo american power, and 2) an image of the beast = the league of nations and later on the u.n.o.
but really it was only an image to the wild beast.. wt 1986 2/1 p6.
they did this by getting the nations to make an image to the wild beast.
Designer Stubble
Wow! What an excellent find!
Thank you - I am going to use this.
Update on Ray, I think this needs a new thread
by coffee_black inupdating,.
it is confirmed that cynthia will be signing the papers this morning to remove ray from life support.
if anyone has posted their address on the internet, it is requested that you remove it for the safety of cynthia and those who are with her.
Designer Stubble
Rest in Peace Ray - You can stand before God with a clear conscience. Here on earth you have a great legacy after having achieved a blessed age of 88.
How Long Did It Actually Take You To Leave The Organization?
by minimus ini started reading "apostate" books when i was a teen at the library.
it was more curiousity than anything else.
at home, i used to read all the old publications and i'd notice how beliefs had changed.. with ray franz's books that i read clandestinely, i started to realize the truth about "the truth".
Designer Stubble
After being in for close to 40 years, I decided to research my decades of doubts and started reading. My first book was CoC with many to follow. Between reading CoC and leaving was a period of ONE YEAR. It took me so long as I wanted to research everything, including the origins of the Bible before making a final and definite decision.
Generation teaching. What is it about witnesses that they don't see this for what it is?
by garyneal ini cannot for the life of me understand why jehovah's witnesses don't see right through the b.s.
regarding their overlapping generation being equal to one generation.
also, i am a bit perplexed at how little certain jehovah's witnesses know their own doctrine.. take my wife, for instance:.
Designer Stubble
To illustrate: F.W. Franz was born in 1893, baptized in 1913, and thus alive to discern “the sign” in 1914
Since Brother Franz lived until 1992,, many present –day anointed ones were contemporaries of his and are part of the “generation” that Jesus said would not pass away “until all these things occur”
Fred Franz is used here to illustrate. Fred lived one year short of a century - not exactly the average age of a Generation. Some example to use as an illustration.
Now all we need is someone who, as a young child, met Fred in 1992 and we can stretch this teaching till the turn of the 22nd century.
I truly am wondering if this will be swallowed easy - perhaps by the majority, but it will push the serious doubters into research. Well, we are ready to assist them.
We need a national story about Ray Franz's life
by moshe inlike everyone else here, i am praying for ray to pull through this medical crisis, but i realize the odds are not good.
i know it's not something people want to think about, their obituary, but i contacted a religion journalist and told her about ray franz, his life at bethel and his books.
i hope she passes the information on to the rest of the writers on their religion blog.
Designer Stubble
Sounds like an excellent idea. Ray has left a great legacy, one which too few persons are aware of. A positive life story article on him is the very least he deserves and if at the same time it would get a number of doubting witnesses to read his books - even better. Great initiative!
Ray Franz has had a stroke
by coffee_black injust setting the record straight.
there is another thread that notes a claim on wiki that said that ray has died.. he had a stroke yesterday, and is in the hospital.
he is still alive.
Designer Stubble
Ray and Cynthia are in many people thoughts and prayers around the globe. WIthout his dear and honest books, many - myself included would either still be in the cult or at least not been able to achieve proper closure.
Strength for Ray and Cynthia in these troublesome times.